BCDC once again asks for your support, so that we may continue our work towards improving the living and working environment in Broadwater County.
BCDC is an independent Economic Development Corporation made up of all volunteer members who collectively donate 200 to 300 hours a month to our projects in Broadwater County.
Your membership dues and donations help fund the changes you have seen in previous years.
BCDC has funding available for storefront and marketing grants. If you are interested in sprucing up the outside of your business, you can find out if your project qualifies for a grant by contacting BCDC or going to www.townsendmt.com. Look under the Economic Development tab for grants available.
Here is a list of some of our recent accomplishments and ongoing projects.
BCDC’s main objective is to help local businesses and our community grow and prosper, thus improving our local economy. We have access to all the resources your business might need. We are here to help you with starting a new business, expanding your current business, financial guidance, funding sources, marketing, employee training etc.
Enclosed you will find a new BCDC dues form for this year. We thank you for your support last year and hope that you will continue to support BCDC in the coming year. We have a 501(c)(3) status so all your dues and donations to BCDC are fully tax deductible. Without your generous support we cannot operate.
If you are not a current member, we hope that you will join us to improve Broadwater County and make it an even better place to live and work.
We encourage you to meet with us the third Wednesday at 6:00 pm monthly in The Lodge conference room. For information and/or to be put on the Agenda, please email bcdc@mt.net.
Sincerely Your Current BCDC Directors,
Craig Vietz, John Hahn – Co-Chairmen, Bob Saxby, Tina Homann, Brian Obert, Laura Obert, Nichole Brown, Allison Kosto, Adam Six, Vic Sample