Silos Pictures & Totes for Sale
Would you like to have a color picture of the Silos from 1976?
$25 receive a 8″ x 10″ Unframed
$15 receive a 5″ x 7″ Unframed
$25 receive a Tote Bag
You may email for more information.
This picture was taken by Troy Helmick in 1976 before the area had started to become populated with homes. The roofs are long gone from the silos but the entryway is still standing with some of its roof still visible in this picture.
These pictures would make a great addition to any home or office.
What a fantastic gift this would be for Christmas, especially for those that are away from home.
These tote bags are quality canvas bags with the Townsend Logo embroidered on, there is a pocket on one end that will hold a water bottle or something similar. There are also two small pockets on the inside.
This bag is large enough to hold your laptop or tablet and all your papers to attend meetings or how ever else you may want to use it.
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