The state is conducting an internet speed test/survey to help identify areas of the state that need access to faster internet. By the BEAD (Broadband, Equity & Access Deployment) standards, if the test says you are receiving less than 25Mbps download, you are considered UNSERVED. If it is less than 100Mbps, you are considered UNDERSERVED. These results will be a major consideration in the funding process.
This is specifically for the state to gather data for their own broadband service map. Making sure the map fabric is accurate is in best interest for all residents of the county and assists us in the bid for fiber to the home. We would greatly appreciate everyone performing this test at your home location, regardless of where you live, to give an accurate picture of internet service in Broadwater. It can also be performed at your place of work if it is in the county. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Please share with others that live in Broadwater County. The more tests completed, the better.
To take the speed test and survey visit